Tuesday, October 9, 2007

"Zoloft seemed to suck the life out of me so she then switched me to paxil"

In the spring of 1999 I ran a marathon. I had a few weeks of anxiety and went to my doctor to see if this was an effect of the race. She decided to put me on zoloft which was an absolute nightmare. Zoloft seemed to suck the life out of me so she then switched me to paxil. The change over to paxil was pretty quick and the side effects kicked in fast. I was constantly irritated and very moody.I tried to ram my best friends head into a golf cart after he made a comment about changing the dosage of my meds (paxil) because of my attitude. I can relate to almost all of the comments listed. I have gained 20lbs. in the last 8 months and its really playing with my head. I want to get off of paxil and decided to check on the side effects before doing so.I am glad I did. My dosage has been 10 mgs. all along and wonder if I will have the same side effects you all have listed. If anyone has any advise please e-mail me with your comments.

-- submitted by ssatkoske, 32

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