I began taking Paxil in October of 1999. I took it because I was having some problems coping with depression. At the time, I felt I was wise enough to ask the psychiatrist about any side effects Paxil might have. She pretty much assured me that the side effects were minor and, at worst, I may get some sexual side effects.
Anyhow, I took 10mg for the first 4 days (as she told me to go gradually onto it) and then I increased it to 20 mgs for my daily dose. I will say that it did calm me down but I think it did too good of a job as I was very detached feeling and showing little emotion at all.
While I was on Paxil, I did experience sexual side effects as well as muscle weakness/shakiness, was emotionally "blah" (almost zombie like I guess) and got some of the famous electrical "zaps" early on. As I got used to it, these effects were reduced to some extent but were almost always there. In fact, I started developing these muscle twitches/spasms in areas of my body as time went on (especially in one of my feet).
I decided about a month ago (after being on Paxil for over 2 months) that I did not want to continue as I didn't like the groggy, detached feeling I had and I was tired of the effects on my muscles. I went cold turkey (my doctor had advised me to wean myself off of Paxil and I didn't) for the 1st two weeks. I didn't have terrible problems but I had a dull headache and I felt less than normal.
The one thing that I did develope after a week of being off Paxil and continues to happen after about 3 weeks is that I get these involuntary muscle twitches. This is what bugs me the most (not painful or anything but a big nuisance). I have been searching for others who may have experienced this as well.... which is a big reason why I came to this website. I get these twitches all over but its really consistent near one of my eyebrows and it is so IRRITATING! They are like any normal muscle twitch that anybody experiences at one time or another in life but they are much more persistent and happen more than usual.
I am wondering if others have had these same involuntary twitches in their body after going off Paxil and how long it took for them to disappear (please tell me they eventually disappear!!). I would really welcome any Emails in response to this as it would be a big help. I have looked around and have seen that shaking/tremor is a withdrawal effect but I am not sure if muscle twitches are included in that "definition" so I want to hear from others who may have experienced this as I want to make sure this is a "normal" withdrawal effect.
With the exception of the muscle twitches, I feel like I have gotten over Paxil. I am not completely over it (it has been about 3 weeks off of it at this point) but I am hoping these twitches will eventually diappear.
I hope by giving my experience with Paxil will help others. I have felt alone at times and the muscle twitching has made me a little bit nervous that its not the medication and its something else wrong with me (although my parents and girlfriend tell me its clearly a withdrawal effect).
My advice is to anybody considering Paxil is to really weigh the pros and cons HARD. Personally, I will never go on any kind of Psych medication ever again in my life. I would rather fight through it with other means (like therapy) than to use a medication. This medication may work perfectly fine for some but it doesn't work for me.
Please Email me if you have dealt with muscle twitches from Paxil withdrawal. I need your support and advice if you can give it. Thanks in advance!
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